PBE Projects has a training service offer, but so does tons of other companies. I think you should join them all! Ours is called QUALITY AND INSPECITON TRAINING.
There are specialists whom have been doing it for donkeys years, and some I would recommend in a heart beat. And yes, to many it may seem like a marketing fluff, but to our clients it appears they gain value form the experience with us. Originally I tried joining up with an existing training company but – yes just but…!
Our objective is primarily to upskill the client, to make it easier for them to understand why certain attributes, element aspects or what ever applies to certain specific applications. When we have the “right crew” we go deep into process related failure analysis, such as Polythionic Stress Corrosion Cracking, or we talk about High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) among other.
However it may be the crux of it is that we have to address each aspect of preparing for vessel entry, to identifying repairs with good reason to carry it out. Right the way up to how the area, material, equipment and teams are prepared for work. The we look into the actual installation and how to ensure guideline, instructions and best practice applies without compromise to equipment. So yes it is a lengthy affair, it takes time and attending one training course will not make you a specialist, but the more training you can attend the better for you.
If you need to know more about our QUALITY AND INSPECTION training offer, feel free to contact us barnie@pbe-projects.com